As the second half of 2024 unfolds, the insurance sector finds itself in the midst of a profound shift. How profound? According to at least...
The 2,000 members of the Marubo tribe were among the most disconnected people on Planet Earth. A people whose roots span many centuries, they live...
The digitization of business and commerce has left few things untouched. And the CFO role, as well as the finance function more broadly, is one...
The impact of the pandemic on consumers’ geographic distribution has continued, with shoppers increasingly residing outside of major urban areas, and this trend away from...
The modern credit card’s history stretches back to just after World War II, when the Charg-It card came out of Brooklyn, tied to a single bank. Account...
A global financial watchdog is warning against the risks of digitalization in the financial world. The Bank for International Settlements’ Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued a report Thursday (May...
Innovation across the payments sector has taken off over the last decade. Driven by automation, speed, security and convenience, electronic payments advances are reshaping back-office...
As artificial intelligence (AI) technology progresses, a new generation of AI agents is emerging, potentially impacting how businesses interact with customers. These digital assistants, designed...
Google’s digital wallet is now available in the world’s most populous country. The tech giant announced Wednesday (May 8) that the Google Wallet was now open...