Instant payments have captivated businesses and consumers with the promise of a more agile financial ecosystem. Despite widespread enthusiasm, however, the transition from traditional payment...
The eternal debate in financial services technology boils down to build vs. buy, and whether to rip and replace core banking operations. Banks have invested...
It’s easy to generate buzz — harder to generate results. As PYMNTS continues to interview key executives about the first year of the FedNow® Service,...
Anniversaries are a time to reflect, evaluate and to anticipate what lies ahead. And so it is with the FedNow® Service, which celebrates a year...
The RTP network set records in terms of both the number of transactions and the value of payments it enabled in the second quarter. The...
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. That’s why many of the most exciting innovations within payments are aimed at helping businesses build better...
Payments modernization, depending on the financial services company, will be synonymous with upgrades. But it also needs to be synonymous with innovation, collaboration and business...
Trustly and Cross River Bank have expanded their collaboration in instant payments to include the FedNow® Service. With this addition, Trustly’s merchants will benefit from new capabilities to optimize...
We are in the midst of a payments ecosystem renaissance. There have never been more ways to send and receive money, and those ways available...