The Clearing House

Real-Time Payments Reach Key Milestones in the US, Switzerland and Australia
Real-Time Payments Reach Key Milestones in the US, Switzerland and Australia
September 06, 2024  |  Real-Time Payments

Real-time payments continue their rapid global expansion, with banks and governments updating existing systems and introducing new ones for their citizens and customers. Australia is...

25% of Small Healthcare Provider Payments Arrive Late, Data Shows
25% of Small Healthcare Provider Payments Arrive Late, Data Shows
August 30, 2024  |  Healthcare

The healthcare sector, often burdened by slow and cumbersome payment processes, is undergoing a transformation aimed at alleviating financial strains. With a high volume of...

Small Businesses Embrace Instant Payments: Benefits Beyond Speed
Small Businesses Embrace Instant Payments: Benefits Beyond Speed
August 29, 2024  |  Real-Time Payments

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across sectors are widely using instant payments. For many, they have become their primary method of sending payment. Across four...

Cyber Outages Reveal Need for Multilayered Defenses Across Digital Economy
Cyber Outages Reveal Need for Multilayered Defenses Across Digital Economy
August 26, 2024  |  Cybersecurity

The Port of Seattle, which operates the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, is the gateway to Asia. And over the weekend (Aug. 24), it suffered a “possible...

The Clearing House CISO Says Multilayered Defense Key to Operational Resilience
The Clearing House CISO Says Multilayered Defense Key to Operational Resilience
August 19, 2024  |  Cybersecurity

In today’s hyper-connected operating environment, the question is not if a business will face a cyberthreat, but when. “Security events and security alerts are something...

Modern Treasury Expands Instant Payments Support to Mutual Customers at 6 Big Banks
Modern Treasury Expands Instant Payments Support to Mutual Customers at 6 Big Banks
August 14, 2024  |  Faster Payments

Modern Treasury has expanded instant payments support for mutual clients of six top banks. “Money is moving swiftly toward a real-time future, and seeing customers use...

A Global Look at Real-Time Payments Adoption
A Global Look at Real-Time Payments Adoption
August 02, 2024  |  Real-Time Payments

The global demand for real-time payments continues along an upward trajectory. Nations on every continent are taking steps to accelerate transactions for both consumers and...

Will Earned Wage Access Unlock FedNow Sender Adoption?
Will Earned Wage Access Unlock FedNow Sender Adoption?
July 30, 2024  |  Faster Payments

One year on, FedNow and instant payments are seeing a groundswell of interest and intention to speed up funds paid out to individuals. Taking stock...

AppBrilliance Opens Pay-by-Bank Options for Closed-Loop Digital Wallets
AppBrilliance Opens Pay-by-Bank Options for Closed-Loop Digital Wallets
July 29, 2024  |  Payment Methods

When The Clearing House amended its rules on digital wallets in early May, few in the industry paid much attention. After all, it was little more...