In an era where convenience is king, the healthcare sector remains shackled by outdated payment processes that jeopardize its financial stability. Despite the promise of...
Digital payments aren’t just about swapping cash and paper checks for electronic methods. Amid Wednesday’s (Sept. 18) news that Brex has launched an embedded B2B payments...
The B2B landscape is full of what buyers and suppliers don’t know. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, B2B businesses across the transaction frequently find themselves...
The bigger the connected economy gets, the smaller the effort it takes to join. In today’s increasingly interconnected world, cross-border commerce is no longer a...
The healthcare industry faces significant challenges with outdated payment and claims systems, which undermine financial stability and patient satisfaction. Despite the potential benefits of digital...
We are nearly 25 years into the 21st century. For businesses, the shift from traditional, analog methods to seamless, digital-first payment processes should have happened...
Many hands make light work, but digital solutions remove the need for hands. And scaling operational productivity without scaling headcount, particularly within the back-office, is...
Digital transformation isn’t as easy, or simple, as turning a switch that’s “off,” “on.” Rather, it’s a series of interlinked and ideally compounding process modernizations....
Small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often find themselves in a constant struggle to manage cash flow, focusing more on survival than growth. Many SMBs use...